Subcategories: Physical Therapy, Physiotherapist, Alternative medicine, Naturopath, Orthotherapist, Psychotherapist, Nurse, Podiatrist, Optometrist, Optician, Speech Language Pathologist, Kinesiologist, Acupuncture, Psychologist, Clinic, Pharmacy, Physician, Dietitian, Chiropractor, Osteopathy, Pediatrist, Gynaecologist, Dentist
Fits Toronto
57 Carl Hall, Toronto ON
(416) 628-4333
We’re not your typical gym, physiotherapy clinic, or training facility. FITS is the first facility of it’s kind in Canada where sports medicine and performance meet!
Tal Products
99 Tuscan Gate (Unit B), toronto ON
(416) 635-6613
Tal Products is your online supplier of disposable products, servicing the food and medical industries with disposable products for over 40 years. Products include food packaging supplies, medical ...