Black Belt Excellence Martial Arts Academy
62 Stonehaven Drive (Unit A), Kanata ON
(613) 599-3001
Family fun, fitness, and self-defence - Make this year your best one ever and join our award-winning, family-oriented, life skills martial arts academy. Taekwon-Do Programs for everyone in your Fam...
Beaverbrook Montessori School
990 Teron Rd, Kanata ON
(613) 614-4904
Don't hesitate to call Beaverbrook Montessori School in Kanata, ON. We are committed to your satisfaction. Call us today.
D T S M Driving School
50 Colchester Square, Kanata ON
(613) 271-2834
As recipients of the Consumer's Choice Award for business excellence, we at D.T.S.M. Driving School pride ourselves on our customer service. For this reason we are continuing to expand in order to ...